Peter Ji / University of Illinois at Chicago
Door Girls Foster Home / Columbia, MO / Girls Therapy Group Co-facilitator
/ Summer, 1998 – Summer 2000
Co-facilitated an interpersonal group therapy in a foster home setting
to adolescent girls with emotional and behavioral problems including
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity disorder, Severe Depression, Suicide,
Sexual and Physical abuse. Engaged in weekly debriefings and supervision.
Counseling Center, Group Counseling Practicum / Group Counselor
/ University of Missouri / Winter, 1999 Co-Facilitated an interpersonal group for older adults.
Observed group leader's activity and assisted with group debriefing
sessions. Group members were older adult, Caucasian clients presenting
with various interpersonal difficulties.
Counseling Center / Supervisor / University of Missouri / Winter,
1999 Provided weekly supervision to a doctoral-level counseling
student enrolled in a counseling center practicum. Reviewed session
tapes, assisted with case conceptualization, provided feedback
on session progress, and formulated training goals. Participated
in weekly supervision of supervisors and participated in a supervision
Counseling Center, Group Counseling Methods and Practice / Teaching
Assistant / University of Missouri / Summer, 1998 Assisted instructor in the teaching of interpersonal
group methods course. Observed group leader's activity, provided
feedback to group leaders, occasionally conducted live interventions,
and assisted with group debriefing sessions.
Counseling Center / Counselor / University of Missouri / Fall
1995,1997; Winter 1996,1997,1998 Counseled individual clients weekly for 2 to 13 sessions,
clients ranged in age from 19-24, including two clients who were
gay, one bisexual, and one Asian. Presenting problems included
severe depression, anxiety, masculinity issues, relationship concerns,
study skills, boyfriend abuse. Participated in group and individual
supervision, presented case conceptualizations, reviewed tapes
and provided feedback to fellow practicum members, wrote case
closing summaries.
Planning and Placement Center / Counselor / University of Missouri
/ Fall, 1996
Counseled individual clients weekly for 2 to 13 sessions. Caseload
included clients with an age range from 20 to 40, two females, two
males. Presenting problems included career exploration, career changes,
career indecision. Participated in group and individual supervision,
presented case conceptualizations, reviewed tapes and provided feedback
to fellow practicum members, wrote case closing summaries.
Management Lab / Counselor / University Counseling Center, University
of Missouri / Winter, 1998 Provided anger management counseling for one gay male
client over two sessions using stress relaxation techniques and
cognitive approaches. Co-facilitated a group of approximately
12 male students on stress management for a college dormitory.
/ Supervisor / University Counseling Center, University of Missouri
/ Winter 1997, Winter 1998 Supervised four female beginning practicum students who
saw volunteer clients on a weekly basis. Participated in client
screening, observed session activity, provided live supervision,
listened and reviewed session tapes, and debriefed session with
counselors. Participated in group supervision.
and Consultation Clinic / Counselor / University of Missouri /
Summer, 1997 Provided vocational interest exploration, educational
counseling, and job accommodation assessments, and career interviewing
skill counseling to disabled clients. Counseling occurred on a
weekly basis, with an average of 16 hours per client. Caseload
included three clients, one female, age 19, with cerebral palsy,
two males, ages 31 and 20, with learning disorders. Compiled and
synthesized results of the assessments and counseling sessions
for a written report that provided a situational assessment summary
and recommendations designed to aid the client's vocational rehabilitation
counselor. Conducted WAIS-R and MMPI-2 assessments. Caseload included
one female, age 19 to assess learning and personality functioning,
and a juvenile delinquent male, age 16, at Fulton Adolescent Detention
Center. Provided written reports for both assessments for their
vocational counselors.
Counseling Methods and Practice / Counselor / University of Counseling
Center, University of Missouri / Winter, 1998 Counseling course taught trainees about multicultural
counseling theory, to evaluate therapy techniques according to
a multicultural framework, to incorporate multicultural skills
in assessment and counseling interventions. Conducted a person-in-culture
interview designed to assess the influence of culture on client's
presenting issue. Participated in weekly large group supervision.
Presented two case studies during the semester. Initiated and
led a group class project on developing a Multicultural Counseling
Interventions Intentions list
Counseling for Women / Counselor / University of Missouri / Fall,
1997 Provided career counseling for one adolescent female
client, age 17, on a weekly basis. Participated in class and small
group supervision. Conducted one case presentation using client's
Strong Career Interest Inventory Results.
Methods and Practice / Beginning Counselor / University of Missouri
/ Summer, 1994 Introduction to counseling course taught trainees how
to use basic interviewing and case conceptualization skills, to
develop an effective working alliance, to use specific change
techniques where appropriate, and to evaluate counseling interventions.
Saw one female volunteer client for four sessions over the course
of one semester. Participated in weekly large group and individual
supervision. Completed analysis of session transcript and presented
a case study.
Youth Outreach / Outreach Worker / Chicago, IL / 1994 Duties included teaching music to inner-city kids. Counseled
youth in informal settings. Consulted with primary counselors
and wrote case reports.
Youth Outreach / Crisis Worker / Chicago, IL / 1991-1994 Duties included responding to crisis calls at police
stations to service youth and families in crisis. Placed youth
in temporary shelters, hospitalized suicidal clients, provided
informal youth and family counseling. Wrote case reports and coordinated
cases with Dept. of Children and Family services or other involved
Runaway Switchboard / Telephone Crisis Counselor / Chicago, IL
/ 1991-1992 Duties include receiving hotline calls from youth in
crisis. Performed informal counseling, utilized referral computer
system to provide counseling resources for clients.
State Hospital / Outcomes Assessment Rater / Summer, 1998 - August
2000 Conducted twenty semi-structured interviews as part of
the Positive and Negative Schizophrenia Symptoms Scale (PANSS)
assessment. Clients were schizophrenic patients from an inpatient
state hospital facility. Rated clients' severity of delusional
and hallucinatory behavior, interpersonal functioning, and general
symptomatology. Conducted assessments with a co-rater and required
to achieve a .80 inter-rater reliability rating. Achieved an average
inter-rater reliability rating of .88.
Assessment / University of Missouri / Fall, 96 Trained in administering and interpreting cognitive and
personality assessment test batteries. Assessments administered
included WAIS_R, MMPI-S, Bender-Gestalt, Rotter Incomplete Sentences-College
Form, Edwards Personal Preference Inventory, and Brief Symptom
Inventory. Provided written report with diagnostic and treatment
of Interest and Personality / University of Missouri / Winter,
94 Trained in administering and interpreting the Strong-Campbell
Interest Inventory and the MMPI-2. Wrote reports detailing results
and recommendations for future therapy services.
Administrator /
University of Missouri, Testing Center /
1994-1998 Duties
included administered standardized tests, such as the LSAT, GRE, MMAT,
C-BASE. Administered GED test to prison inmates. Responsible for secure
handling of test materials, following standardized test procedures, secure
collection and delivery of test materials. Trained proctors to administer
GED test to prison inmates.
analysis of the Positive Action program for improving students character,
school achievement and behavior.” Chicago Center of Excellence
in Health Promotion Economics, Pilot Grant Award, $36,833.
An Examination of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgender) Ally
skills and Competency – A Qualitative Investigation
The Effects of the Stay Close ( Advertising Campaign
on Parent Responses to the LGBT Community
An Investigation of Reasons Why Parents Stop Attending PFLAG (Parents,
Friends of Lesbians and Gays) Meetings
an Ally to the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning
(LGBTQ) Communities / Instructor
University of Illinois at Chicago – Honors College &
Department of Gender and Women’s Studies / Spring &
Fall, 2006, 2007
Designed and implemented a curriculum to teach students how to
be allies to the LGBTQ communities. Topics included oppression
of the LGBTQ community, LGBTQ identity development, ally identity
development, multicultural competency skills. Constructed attitude,
knowledge, and skill activities for becoming an ally to the LGBTQ
Development and Aging / Instructor / Aurora University / Fall,
Instruction topics included biopsychsocial models of aging, mental
and physical aspects of aging, and intervention and prevention
methods for age-related issues. Constructed learning materials,
evaluations, and provided feedback on students’ performance.
Methods in Psychology / Adjunct Faculty Instructor / Elmhurst
College / Spring, 2006 & Fall, 2001
Instruction topics included basic research design, critique of
research articles, and supervision of individual student research
projects. Constructed learning materials, evaluations, and provided
feedback on students’ performance.
to Statistics / Adjunct Faculty Instructor / Elmhurst College
/ Fall, 2005
Instruction topics included basic normal distribution statistics,
use of z-scores and normal distribution curve, concepts and calculations
for t-test, ANOVA, and correlation statistics. Constructed tests,
provided feedback on written assignments and tests. Designed a
class project to assist students in applying statistics to research
questions and to conduct analyses using statistical software.
to Statistics / Instructor / University of Missouri / Summer,
Instruction topics included basic normal distribution statistics,
use of z-scores and normal distribution curve, concepts and calculations
for t-test, ANOVA, and correlation statistics. Constructed tests,
provided feedback on written assignments and tests. Designed a
class project to assist students in applying statistics to research
questions and to conduct analyses using statistical software.
to Educational Statistics / Teaching Assistant, Quarter-time Assistantship.
/ University of Missouri / Fall, 1998 - Winter, 1999
Assisted the instructor with class lectures that covered basic
statistic concepts. Provided additional help sessions for students.
Evaluated tests, homework assignments, and class projects.
Analysis / Graduate Assistant, Quarter-time Assistantship / University
of Missouri / Fall, 1997
Duties included assisting with class lectures, conducted group
and individual help sessions for students, assisted students with
using SPSS software and mainframe programs to transfer data. Presented
lecture topics including Principles of Regression Analysis, Regression
Diagnostics, Mediating and Moderating variables in regression,
and Dummy Coding.
Statistics / Teaching Assistant, Quarter-Time Assistantship /
University of Missouri / Summer, 1996
Duties included assisting with class lectures, providing group
and individual assistance to students, graded student article
critiques, assisted students with using SPSS programming on the
mainframe computer. Lecture topics presented included Factor and
Cluster Analysis, MANOVA, and Hierarchical Linear Modeling.
Reasoning, Research Development and Application / University of
Missouri / February, 1999 / Title: Fundamentals of Factor Analysis
in Scale Construction
Presented a guest lecture on basic concepts, procedures and applications
of factor analysis technique for scale development.
Recruiting Straight Allies. Presentation at the Parents and Friends
of Gays and Lesbians (PFLAG) Midwestern Conference, Chicago, IL
5/05, 1/06 “Being a straight ally to the LGBT Community.”
Invited presentation at
“Coming Out” Gay/Lesbian Sensitive Training Series.
Pepsi Company: Chicago, IL. & UIC Psychology Graduate Department
Brown Bag Luncheon.
Chairperson – “Stages of Community Collaboration –
Lessons Learned.” - Roundtable Discussion at ECO conference,
Drummond, IN
“Empowerment evaluation and building community capacities:
Case studies” Invited presentation at the 2003 Society of
Community Research and Action Conference, Santa Fe, NM.
Chicago Dinners: Creating context for change in diversity and
racism.” Invited presentation at the 2003 Society of Community
Research and Action Conference, Santa Fe, NM.
“What works in preventing youth from smoking. Assessing
school and community readiness.” Invited presentation at
the 2003 Substance Abuse Prevention Conference, Chicago, Il.
“Developing a multicultural identity.” Invited presentation
at the Center for Community Research Summer Staff Development Series.
“Being a Straight Ally to the Gay and Lesbian Community.”
Outreach program developed with University of Illinois at Chicago’s
Counseling Center staff.
“Counseling Asian Americans.” Invited presentation for
Parker Hall Counseling Staff at University of Missouri.
– 5/00 Member of the Multicultural Training, Consultation
and Research Center at the University of Missouri. Responsible for
generating activities to promote diversity training among the campus
and community settings.
Presented lecture on multicultural counseling theory and issues
unique to African-American school-age students. Audience members
were twenty-one Teachers and Educators for the Columbia, MO school
Presented lecture on multicultural counseling theory and counseling
issues unique to Black, Asian, Hispanic, and Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual
clients. Audience members were staff and clinicians of Fulton
State Hospital's Inpatient, Psychiatric Social Learning Wards
and Program Coordinators.
7/98 Presented lecture to thirty undergraduate students on principles
and uses of personality assessment tests, and demonstrated its
uses in a clinical study.
Co-author of recommendation letter for APA award for excellence
in recruiting and retaining minority students. Award granted at
2000 APA Convention.
"Self-efficacy, interest, and occupational sex-typing in
middle school students." Division 17 Paper Presentation at
the 107th Annual Convention of The American Psychological Association,
Boston, MA.
"Multicultural Counseling Intentions: Revision of Clara Hill's
Therapist Intentions Process Measure": Poster presented at
the Division 17 Section Sponsored Social Hour Showcasing Graduate
Student Research at the 107th Annual Convention of The American
Psychological Association. Boston, MA.
Paper presented to the staff at the University of Missouri's Counseling
Poster presented at the National Multicultural Summit and Conference.
Newport Beach, CA.
Presented "Ethnic identity and acculturation stress in predicting
depression scale scores for a Korean population" at American
Psychological Association Annual Conference. Division 45 section.
Toronto, Canada.
Co-moderated, with Dr. Helen Neville, a town-hall meeting with
the Joint Training Committee for Counseling Psychology - "Goals
for Enhancing Multicultural Training in Counseling Psychology"
University of Missouri
2/96 Presented "Asian Career Interests" at University
of Missouri Midwest Career Conference.
Ad Hoc Editorial Consultant, Thrasher Research Grant proposal.
Presented "Active Enforcement of Cigarette Licensing Laws
in the Prevention of Cigarette Sales to Minors" to Woodstock,
IL City Council and Health Board Members.
Presented "Active Enforcement of Cigarette Licensing Laws
in the Prevention of Cigarette Sales to Minors" to Chicago
City Council Members.
Ad Hoc Editorial Consultant. Western Journal of Medicine.
Ad Hoc Editorial Consultant. Journal of Health and Human Services.
P., Flay, B., DuBois, D.L., & Patton, V. (in press).Congratulations,
you have been randomized into the control group!(?): Issues to consider
when recruiting schools for matched-pair randomized control trials
of prevention programs. Journal of School Health.
P (in press). Hurricane Katrina – A Response to Racism. Performing
Arts for Effective Civic Education Program (PAECE )
P. (in press). Being a Heterosexual Ally to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
and Transgender Community: Reflections and Development. Journal
of Gay and Lesbian Psychotherapy.
P. (2006). The SCRA-LGBT Interest Group will go on…. The Community
Psychologist, 39(4), 11-12.
P, & Finnessy, P (2006). Inclusive Language and the Scarlet
Letters: LGBT. Campus Matters, August.
P.Y. (2004). Being a straight ally to the LGBT community –
“Start There.” The Community Psychologist, 37(1),
H. Heppner, P. P., Ji, P.Y., Thye, R. A. (2004). The relations
among general and race-related stressors and psycho-educational
adjustment in black students attending predominantly white institutions.
Journal of Black Studies, 33(10), 1-20.
P., Flay, B., DuBois, D.L., Patton, V., Day., J., & Cantillon,
D. (2006). Consent Form Return Rates for Third Grade Urban Elementary
Students. American Journal Health Behavior, 30(5), 467-474.
P.Y., Pokorny, S. B., Jason, L. A. (2004). Factors Influencing Middle
and High Schools' Active Parental Consent Return Rates. Evaluation
Review, 20(6), 571-596.
R. Flay, Anthony Biglan, Robert F. Boruch, Felipe González
Castro, Denise Gottfredson, Sheppard Kellam, Eve K. Mo cicki, Steven
Schinke, Jeffrey C. Valentine and Peter Ji (2005). Standards of
Evidence: Criteria for Efficacy, Effectiveness and Dissemination,Prevention
Science, 1-25, DOI: 10.1007/s11121-005-5553-y.
L.A., Pokorny, S.B., Ji, P., & Kunz, C., (2006). Developing
community-school-university partnerships to control youth access
to tobacco. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation,
16(3), 201-222.
P., Segawa, E., Burns, J., Campbell, R. T., Allred, C. G., Flay,
B. R. (2006). A Measurement Model of Student Character as Described
by The Positive Action Program. Journal of Research in Character
Education, 3(2), 109-120.
S. B., Jason, L. A., Helzing, D. M., Sherk, J., Rebus, P. J., Kunz,
C., Rabin-Belyaev, O., Ostergaard, A., Mikulski, K., & Ji, P.
Y. (2005). Efficient and effective uses of technology in community
research. Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community,
29, 7-27.
Peter Y; Lapan, Richard T; Tate, Kevin. (2004). Vocational Interests
and Career Efficacy Expectations in Relation to Occupational Sex-Typing
Beliefs for Eighth Grade Students. Journal of Career Development,
31(2), 143-154.
B. R., Biglan, A., Boruch, R. F., Castro, F. G., Gottfredson, D.,
Kellam, S., Moscicki, E. K., Schnike, S., Valentine, J., Ji, P.
(2004). Standards of Evidence: Criteria for Efficacy, Effectiveness
and Dissemination. Society for Prevention Research: Falls Church,
S.B., Baptiste, D.R., Tolan, P., Hirsch, B.J., Talbot, B., Ji, P.,
Paikoff, R.L., & Madison-Boyd, S. (2004) Prevention science:
Participatory approaches and community case studies. In L.A. Jason,
C. B. Keys, Y., Suarez-Balcazar, R.R. Taylor, M. Davis, J. Durlak,
D. Isenberg, D. (Eds.). Participatory community research: Theories
and methods in action. American Psychological Association: Washington,
P.Y., Pokorny, S.B., Blaszkowski, E., Jason, L.A. (2002). Examining
risks for minors participating in tobacco purchase attempts. In
L.A. Jason & S. B. Pokoryny (Eds.), Preventing Youth Access
to Tobacco (pp. 82-88). New York, NY: Hawthorn Press Inc.
N. T., Ji, P., Beck, M., Beck, N. (2002). The reliability and validity
of the revised Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS2) in a female incarcerated
population. Journal of Family Issues, 23(3), 441-457.
L. A., Ji, P. Y., Anes, M. D., Birkhead, S. H. (1991). Active Enforcement
of Cigarette Licensing Laws in the Prevention of Cigarette Sales
to Minors. Journal of the American Medical Association, 266 (22),
L. A., Ji, P. Y., Anes, M. D., Xaverious, P. (1992). A Survey of
Merchant Cigarette Sales to Minors in the Chicagoland Area. Evaluation
and the Health Professions, 15(4), 375-384.
J. Mermelstein, PhD. Professor, Deputy Director
David Dubois, Ph.D. Professor
Institute for Health Research and Policy
University of Illinois at Chicago
1747 W. Roosevelt Road, Room 558, MC 275
Chicago, IL 60608
312- 996-7222 / /
PFLAG National President, & Char Cepek, PFLAG Northern Illinois
11133 Indian Woods Dr.
Indian Head Park, IL 60525
Finnessy, PhD,
Director, Office of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Concerns
University of Illinois at Chicago / M/C 369
1007 W. Harrison St / 1180 Behavioral Sciences Building
Chicago, IL 60607
Flay, D.Phil. Distinguished Professor
Department of Public Health / Oregon State University
Waldo Hall #321, MAIL: Waldo Hall #254
Corvallis, OR 97331 / / 541-737-3837
Sawyer, Ph.D. & Donna Goetz, Ph.D. Associate Professors
Psychology Department / Elmhurst College
Schaible Science Center, 146 / 190 Prospect Avenue / Elmhurst, IL
630-617-3589 / /
Menditto, Ph.D. Director of Clinical Services
Paul Stuve, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist
Fulton State Hospital / 600 East 5th Street / Fulton, MO 65251
573-592-2328 /
Kivlighan, Ph.D., / Counseling Psychologist. Professor and
Chair / Department of Counseling &Personnel Services
3214 Benjamin Building / University of Maryland / College Park, MD
20742 / (301) 405-2863 /